Friday, July 3, 2009

Max Brenner - Chocolate by the Bald Man

Normally, our visitors come to us to get ideas about what they should do while in town, and we're usually able to provide a list of our favorite places to eat, adn sometimes our favorite things to do. However, every once in a while someone who is visiting us turns us onto something in NYC that is so awesome we're amazed we've missed it. My SIL Ulrica introduced us to Max Brenner. This is chocolate nirvana, but they also have regular menu items for those crazy crazy people who aren't as in love with chocolate as I am.

Max Brenner:  Chocolate by the bald man

This is the Union Square location, my favorite of the two.

Milk chocolate

This picture is just to give you an idea of how they incorporate the chocolate theme into all aspects of the restaurant, not just the menu.

Chocolate Mess:  Close up

And this loveliness is aptly called the "chocolate mess". I highly recommend it.

841 Broadway (between 13th and 14th Streets)
Hours of Operation:
Mon – Thurs - 09:00am – Midnight
Fri - Sat - 09:00am – 02:00am
Sun - 09:00am – 11pm


141 Second Avenue (at 9th Street)
Hours of Operation:
Mon – Thurs - 10:00am – 11:00pm
Fri - Sat - 10:00am – 01:00am
Sun - 10:00am – 11:00pm

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